Saturday, December 6, 2008

Swing Dancing!

The other night, my friend Fletcher and I decided we wanted to practice swing dancing, at one in the morning! We snuck into the Dixie State Gym and busted a well as eachother! I seriously have bruises all over my body, and as for Fletch, well...he made out with a sore back and a bloody nose! I really did have fun though, pain and all!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Canyoneering-Yankee Doodle

On Saturday the 1st, I went Canyoneering with the Dixie State Outdoor club. We drove up to Leeds (10 miles south of Hurricane) and took a scenic drive up a canyon. Once we got to Yankee Doodle (the canyon we explored), we repelled down a 150 ft. cliff, to the middle of a ravine. I was so scared! It was definately worth it! We hiked about 5 miles, up and down, crawling, swinging from rock to rock, and finally, scaling a rock face out of the canyon. It was Amazing!!

The whole group. Left to right- Brittany, Guy From Africa, Guy from Guatemala, Brady, Haley, Casi, Me and the guy crouching is from South Africa.

I may look happy, but really I was about to piddle my pants.

Getting past this part made everything else seem easy. You have to fall backwards over a cliff.

Haley,Britt, me, and Casi

Sliding down a rock, the buttons on my pants kept snagging so I decided to run down it instead.

We had to go star style across this ravine. There is a creek 20 ft below and our bodies were intersecting the sides of each wall. We were flat, or parallel to the bottom.

The Whole Group-After Picture-We were filthy!

Drinkin and Drivin! HA!

So tonight as I was driving home from Saint George after a fireside, I was pulled over by an undercover police car. I pulled the car off the high way, rolled my window down, and watched as a Sergent in camouflage shined a bright light in my face. I felt like a deer in the headlights. "I've been fallowing you for the last mile or so, and you've been swerving quite a bit. Have you been drinking?" I was in shock! Me?! Drinking?! I started laughing uncontrollably! "Uh, struts need to be changed and my car shakes really badly once I hit 55 mph. I've definitely not been drinking!" He asked for my licence and registration. Of course, the one time I don't bring my wallet..."I'm sorry, I don't have my licence with me." I'm pretty sure he figured out I was a member as he watched me shuffle my scripture case and journal with Christ's face on it around in the front seat..."OK mam, you get this car looked at and have a great night..." He walked away and I busted a gut laughing. Drinkin and drivin...yup...that's me...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I've been tagged by Amy, so now I have to share a few of my quirks...

1. I can fall asleep anywhere and in any position within a matter of a minute. Sometimes it's convenient, but most of the time just a real problem!

2. I never write my letters consitantly the same. My handwriting is a mixture of lowercase, cursive, print, and capital letters all in one.

3. I color coordinate my closet and I go into panic mode of it's not just right.

4. When I cook, it really bugs me if people try to help me. I HAVE to do it by myself for some reason. I never measure ingredients, and I'm kind of a perfectionist about the way the food looks.

5. I text with my right thumb and left index family makes fun of me consistantly about it but I can't text any other way.

6. When I sing to the radio, I never sing the melody, I always harmonize. Subconciously, I feel like the harmony is the melody...I know, I'm a choir nerd!

7. I HATE being woken up right after I fall asleep. If you want to see me get angry very quickly, I dare you to try it! (This occurs way too often because I fall asleep everywhere!)

In case my family was wondering, I'm strangly enough just like Amy, Mallory, and Lori. I too sleep with my hair out of my face and off my neck, I pick my nailpolish and bight my nails, and I am a freak about grammar errors, they really upset me! Weird right?!

I tag Ayme Zortman!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Accident; Poor Little Contour

Yesterday, my mom and I were rear ended by a HUGE Ford truck as we were getting ready to turn into the parking lot at work in Saint George. As my mom put the turn signal on and slowed down to about 10 mph, a woman in the minivan behind us decided she didn't think it was necessary to slow down. She zoomed into the left lane, cutting another car off, and continued down the street. The guy in the truck behind her didn't realize we were almost at a complete stop because the lady never slowed down, and he had no time to slam on his brakes. His huge F-250 slammed into the rear of our car at about 45 mph, pulverizing the back end of our tiny Ford Contour. It seriously looked like a crushed pop can! As the truck hit us, the Contour went flying up onto the curb, and skidded to a stop. My mom had her seat belt on, but I had just taken mine off to get my planner from the back seat, so I went flying into the dashboard. I was extremely lucky I didn't go through the windshield! The impact was so hard, the stereo face broke off, the glass covering the dashboard console shattered, the air vents popped out, and the seats snapped and are no longer able to sit upright!

My mom was sobbing and in serious pain. (She had been in a few accidents prior and has suffered neck, knee, back, and shoulder problems since, so this just added to her agony.) I hit my head and neck pretty hard, but didn't have any serious injuries. The man who hit us came running to the car. I felt so bad for him! It really wasn't his fault. As I called 911, he tried to comfort my mom. I knew he felt horrible. The ambulance came and took us to the hospital. We stayed there most of the morning. At first the paramedics thought my mom may have broken her spine, but the hospital took lots of x-rays, and everything came back normal. She has a sprained back, but I'm grateful it was nothing life threatening! We found out the man's name is Josh Johnson, he is only 26 years old and he lives in Hurricane. He was driving a company vehicle and there were atleast 4 other men in the car. He called the hospital atleast three times yesterday to make sure we were okay and apologize. He really is a kind man.

After all was said and done, we were discharged and spent the remainder of the day sleeping because we are both on narcotics and muscle relaxers that knocked us out. I'm so grateful we were protected from serious injury or possible death. Heavenly Father was really watching over us yesterday! The accident could have been so much worse! I'm also grateful to have so many wonderful friends. Last night, we probably recieved 30 phone calls and atleast 5 different visitors offering help if we needed it. The Jordan's brought us dinner, and Cherie Santiago brought us ice cream. We also have dinner being brought to us from other members of the ward for the remainder of the week. I'm so thankful for the blessings in my life!





Monday, September 29, 2008


I've started training to run a marathon...13 Miles! I've been getting up at 5 in the morning and running between 2-3 miles each day. What's funny about all of this is during the olympics, as I watched the women run the 26 mile marathon, I honestly wondered what would posess someone to do something so crazy! Well, now I'm the crazy one! The marathon is in January, and there is a 5k I'll do right before Thanksgiving. Wish me luck guys! I'm really going to need it!

The Saint George Marathon Logo

Monday, September 8, 2008

Body Odor and Irony

Part One:
Two weeks ago, I went country dancing at the Electric Theater with a friend. The night passed as I sat on a seat next to the wall and watched her spin on the dance floor with every attractive guy in the room. I sat there pitifully, hoping someone, ANYONE would come ask me to dance. My thoughts got the best of me. What was wrong with me? Did I have something in my teeth? Leaning over like I was stretching, I "discreetly" spelled my armpit, and was suddenly overcome by the most putrid vomit producing stench I had ever smelled! Feeling my eyes well up with tears from the rancid aroma, I took another whiff of my under arm hoping, no praying that the smell didn't belong to me. I COULD NOT SMELL THAT VILE! I looked up to find a round dark haired guy sitting entirely too close to me. The smell that would make a child cry out in disgust was coming from this guy, who was eyeing me like I was a piece of Christmas candy! At first I nearly burst out in joy realizing the stench did NOT belong to me! But... This guy was about to talk to me! No, he was about to ask me to dance!
"Hey, my name's Danny. Want to dance?"
If any of you grew up going to LDS youth dances, you understand the dilema I faced...
"Sure..." I choked. I remembered what I carelessly thought earlier about wanting ANY guy to ask me to dance, and wished immediately I could take back that lie...

Part 2
Danny stayed by me the remainder of the night. He made sure to push that he wanted to "hang out" sometime. Brittany, the girl I came with, laughed evertime she walked past me. (Thanks Britt...) Danny finally asked the trecherous question...."Can I have your number?" I really wish Nancy Reagan would have been with me; "JUST SAY NO!" Danny left, a very happy boy, and I left, feeling like someone punched me in the gut.

A few days later, Danny added me on Facebook and started to chat. "So, I'm going on this double date tomorrow. My friend and I are making pizza's and watching a movie. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" Nancy screamed in my head...JUST SAY NO! JUST SAY NOW! "I think I have to work tomorrow..." I stammered. Danny quickly replied. "I thought you said you only work until noon on Fridays..." Dang it! What was I going to do? Nancy was going nuts...JUST SAY NO! " Well I live in Hurricane, and that's pretty far from Saint George. I wouldn't want you to have to come and get me..." What was I thinking?! Danny replied yet again, shredding my excuses. "That'll work perfectly! My friend lives in Hurricane too, so I'll pick all of you up." This guy was persistent! I had finally had enough. "You know what Danny, it's just not going to work..." After a moment of silence, Danny typed, "Is it because you just broke up with your boyfriend?" I had talked about my recent breakup and how I hadn't dated since it happened. I decided to play off it, thinking it would work out great! "Ya, I'm just not ready to date yet. I'm still in a pretty vulnerable spot." He totally bought it! I ended the conversation, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The next night there was an institute dance at the church. My friends and I glossed up and headed out, hoping to snag a couple cuties. A few minutes into the dance, a guy came up to me and we chatted casually. The conversation was pleasant, and he was pretty cute, so I wasn't complaining. Later, the same guy came up to me. "So I'm going on a double date tomorow with some friends and I was wondering if you wanted to come with." Of course I said yes. As we were talking, Danny suddenly came up to the two of us. "Hey Jordan, I see you met Alexis!" "Yeah Danny, this is who I'm taking out tomorrow on our double. You still need to find a date right?" My heart stopped. Jordan was the friend Danny wanted to double with the night before. How could this possibly happen!? Danny gave me the meanest look I've ever seen and stormed away pititfully. Jordan didn't understand. Needless to say, the double date ended up being a single...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm a Big Girl Now!

So this is my first ...REAL... blog! I guess I've finally cracked! Here's to the many months of pressure from my sister! Love ya!